Never Doubt That a Small Group of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens Can Change the World; Indeed, It's the Only Thing That Ever Has
-Margaret Mead
The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers But above all The world needs dreamers who do.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach
my tribe
Choosing the road less travelled is difficult. You often find yourselves alone and pitted against the world. To add to this, people who dare to experiment and live differently are likely to be isolated, mocked and even threatened. In such situations, the support of like minded-individuals and a community is necessary. Paryay wants to make creating the alternative easier. We want more people to join the cause, so more people can be inspired and receive the support and resources they need. You maybe an individual living an eco friendly lifestyle, a parent or family unschooling or homeschooling your children, running an alternative learning centre or space, exploring organic farming and natural building. No matter how big or small we encourage you to join our platform. Your experience and insights or even your story and perspective can prove to be a valuable contribution and motivate more people to start their own journeys. Every individual journey will be different and unique but it helps everyone to know they are not alone.
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